Jules Mazarin's Human Design Chart

    36 22 37 6 49 55 30 21 26 51 40 50 32 28 18 48 57 44 60 58 41 39 19 52 53 54 38 14 29 5 34 27 42 9 3 59 1 7 13 25 10 15 2 46 8 33 31 20 16 62 23 56 35 12 45 24 47 4 17 43 11 64 61 63

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          Jules Mazarin's Biography

          Italian-French ecclesiastic, a Roman Catholic priest, Cardinal and royal minister of Louis XIII, Anne of Austria and Louis XIV. Continuing the work of Cardinal Richelieu, Mazarin worked to establish France’s supremacy among the powers of Europe.
          Born Giulio Raimondo Mazzarino, his father, Pietro, was a Romanized Sicilian in the household of the constable Fillippo I Colonna. His mother, Ortensia Bufalini, was from a noble Tuscan family. He had one brother and four sisters, and even as a child, he recognized that having powerful patrons was an advantage in life. Mazarin attended Jesuit School in Rome, where he excelled, and he went on to study law at the University at Alcalá de Henares. In 1624, he obtained a captaincy in the papal army.
          On 12/25/1624, he had an unusual mystical experience that profoundly affected his life. He entered the diplomatic service, and in 1628, was appointed secretary to the papal legate of Milan, G. F. Sacchetti, where he finally had the opportunity to play an active role in politics.
          In January 1630, he was sent to France where he met Cardinal Richelieu. Fascinated by the powerful man, Mazarin resolved to devote his life to him. Later that year, on 10/26/1630, he gained an international reputation when he bravely rode between opposing armies about to engage in battle, risking his life in an effort to stop the fighting. Although completely dedicated to Richelieu, he obtained the patronage of Cardinal Barberini who made him an ambassador to the French court from 1634-36. He left the papal service to enter the service of France in 1640 and was given his cardinal’s hat by the Pope on 12/16/1641.
          Mazarin’s ambition was to end the rivalry between the Catholic powers of Europe, and he was instrumental in bringing about the Peace of Westphalia in October 1648, a settlement that established peace in Germany. By the 1650s, however, the Fronde revolts were in full force due to his attempts to raise taxes and centralize policy. He was forced to leave the court and the country on several occasions but was able to keep his post; the revolts were suppressed in 1653 by which time he was securely in control. In 1659, he negotiated the favorable Peace of the Pyrenees with Spain. Although his enemies accused him of greed, and of confusing royal income with his own, he often put his own monies at the state’s disposal.
          Mazarin was an art lover who collected fine works by Italian artists. He brought the Roman opera into esteem in France and founded the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in 1648.
          Although accused of having an illicit relationship or secret marriage with Anne of Austria, this was never proven, and the evidence is contradictory. She did, however, often ask his advice, and apparently she felt a strong attraction for the eloquent, charming and handsome Cardinal.
          He died on 3/09/1661, Vincennes, France.
          Link to Wikipedia biography

          Jules Mazarin's Chart
          Your Type is like a blueprint for how you best interact with the world. It's determined by the way energy flows through your defined centers and channels in your chart.