Betty Ford's Human Design Chart

    36 22 37 6 49 55 30 21 26 51 40 50 32 28 18 48 57 44 60 58 41 39 19 52 53 54 38 14 29 5 34 27 42 9 3 59 1 7 13 25 10 15 2 46 8 33 31 20 16 62 23 56 35 12 45 24 47 4 17 43 11 64 61 63

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          Betty Ford's Biography

          American First Lady when her husband, Gerald Ford, was sworn in as the nation’s 38th president, minutes after Richard Nixon resigned, 8/09/1974. She later became known for her own courage in facing illness and substance abuse and overcoming her obstacles to found the Betty Ford Rehab Center.
          The daughter of a traveling salesman for Royal Rubber Company and a homemaker mom, Elizabeth Ann Bloom moved to Grand Rapids, MI at age two. A tomboy in her early years, she grew up among the privileges of middle class life with dancing lessons and a summer cottage on a lake. After her father’s death in 1934, Ford moved to New York City, modeling on Seventh Avenue and dancing with the Martha Graham Company.
          Succumbing to her mom’s pleadings to find a nice boy and settle down, she returned home to Grand Rapids two years later, working as a fashion coordinator at a local department store and teaching dance to children. In 1942 she married a local man about town who proved to be an unstable partner and they divorced in 1947.
          On October 13 1948, she married local football hero Jerry Ford, who was elected to House of Representatives eight months later. Moving to Washington in early 1948, Betty assumed the social role of a politician’s wife, and gave birth to four children in the next seven years; Mike, March 14 1950, Jack 3/16/1952; Steve, 5/19/1956; and Susan, 7/06/1957.
          Medication for a pinched nerve in 1964 coupled with alcohol abuse led to a nervous breakdown and psychiatric care in 1965, a turning point for Ford which spiraled her downward to drug and alcohol dependency. The addiction pattern of closet pill popper and alcoholic housewife had the accompanying ripple effects in her family, marriage and social life, yet her actions were overlooked due to her social position and status.
          After husband Gerald was elected to the Presidency on 8/09/1974, Ford proved herself an honest and outspoken First Lady with her comments on pre-marital sex, marijuana, and her marital relationship. Further public candor followed in 1974 with her announcement of breast cancer and mastectomy surgery on 9/26/1974. .
          A timely warning from secret service agent Chuck Vance to his girlfriend Susan Ford blew the whistle for help, and daughter Susan followed through with intervention and counseling on 4/01/1978, resulting in Ford’s admission to rehab. “My family saved my life,” she later said appreciatively.
          Six months later she emerged a new woman with a face life and clean bill of health. The birth of her first granddaughter on 4/22/1979 served as a catalyst to move forward in hope and renewal. Her experience in rehab prompted her to spread the healing process to others and by 1981 she and several colleagues raised three million dollars to build a rehab clinic of their own, naming it the Betty Ford Center. On 11/20/1987, she had coronary by-pass surgery; she also has arthritis.
          Her autobiography was a spirited and forthright account of her personal battles and triumphs. Her name and now world famous center have become synonymous with health, sobriety and a second chance.
          Her husband, the former President, died on December 26, 2006. She died on July 8, 2011 in Rancho Mirage, CA.
          Link to Wikipedia biography

          Betty Ford's Chart
          Your Type is like a blueprint for how you best interact with the world. It's determined by the way energy flows through your defined centers and channels in your chart.