Human Design Deck: A 124-Card Study Deck and Booklet




The Human Design Deck is a visual archetypal representation of the Human Design System. The Human Design System created in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu maps the energetic blueprint of every human based on their birth time. The system is the integration of the I Ching, the Kabbalah, Chakra Systems, and Astrology. This deck is comprised of 124 cards, and visually covers seven categories, and includes a set of basic instructions to begin the detailed journey inwards that this system offers. This deck is a study tool to assist in learning this system through analyst courses or self-study with human design texts. The channels, types, authority, and profiles are given an image and short description in each card. Categories: Type (4) Authority (8) Profiles (12) Channels (36) Centers (9) Circuits (7) Incarnation Cross (48) Deck and box printed on 100% Recycled Paper.
124 Cards for Human Design Energetic Study, much like oracle deck this system reveals a personal potential of self knowledge.
This deck covers seven categories of Human Design, which includes finding inner truth, following the body’s intuition systems, living in alignment to self, and unlocking the qualities latent within us.
Human Design is a map of Human energetics through the ancient systems of the I Ching, Astrology, Chakra Systems, and the Kabbalah.
This is a great tool for life coaches, spiritual healers, psychologists, and anyone looking for self improvement modalities.
Human Design can assist in self witnessing on the path to enlightenment, a spiritual journey, or addressing belief systems.